So I just installed this weather app on my new phone* which shows what kind of week I was looking at. Here’s the screenshots.
Yeah, that’s not looking too promising, what with the snow and all, “But what about those winds?” you may be wondering. Perhaps a nice breeze from behind like the one that sailed me across Colorado would make it all okay. Well it might have made it better, but …
Yep, that’s a week of nice steady headwinds.
Now some of you may be thinking, “Now that’s some crappy weather!” but others of you may be thinking, “Where can I get me a sweet weather app like that one?” Well if you happen to be one of a very special select group of people (you have an Android smart phone and want to know about weather in the U.S.) then you can grab you a copy for a measly buck from
I wrote the app a while back to suit my notion that a weather app should produce a usable forecast. Rather than just a semi-useless graphic of the sun. Despite a couple bugs that await my return to the east coast it has served me well. It even earns me a bit of money. I’m thinking that if I get some friends to download it and get some good reviews then I might get higher rankings and more downloads and who knows what crazy adventures that might lead to.
* Yep the old phone died of micro USB port corrosion. If you’re telephonically inclined please make note of my new number:
339-222-2579. No voicemail on this phone yet, tho.