So, after crossing the bridge to San Francisco, there was ing important task to do to mark the end of my journey: I had to go to the Pacific Ocean and dip my wheels into the Pacific Ocean. This is a bit of a tradition among cyclists and a tradition I wanted to follow. It seemed a nice way to mark the end of the journey.
I made my way to Golden Gate Park, which was oddly located a few miles from the bridge and made my way siren the concrete steps to the beach. Here I observed two things: many bonfires on the beach and the extent difficulty of pushing a loaded bike through sand. The people were mostly folks who had just been to the mostly bluegrass festival. I did find a brave volunteer to take a pictures off the dipping
Now I’m happily at my friends Helen and Meso’s place, via a bike ride to civic center Bart. These are great folks who I know from the days when I lived in Oakland. They are simply wonderful folks to be seeing again.
What an acomplishment! Enjoy the real bay area :)
Very good, so next time you ride to Sao Paulo!!!
Of course I will. This was just a training ride for my tour of the Americas.